My name is Glo Ramsay and I am a wounded healer. I have spent a lifetime on my own healing journey. I am an intuitive, clairvoyant, psychic & spiritual healer, Angel therapist, and certified ThetaHealing practitioner.
I grew up as an only child, raised and loved by my amazing adoptive parents, connecting to nature, plants, trees, streams with eels, my pet cats and budgies.
I lived in a friendly neighbourhood playing with friends, exploring tracks through the Kaurie Park which I lived opposite, climbing trees, wading through streams, climbing what I thought were mountains ( they were quite steep hills ) and getting stuck in trees. I had an Uncle and Aunt who had a farm where I spent many of my school holidays, learning to milk cows, steer a tractor, and on one occasion I was allowed to hold and shoot a gun under the close supervision of my Uncle.
I had a godmother ( I called her my Fairy Godmother) who used to talk to me about Angels, how they are always with us, how to pray to them, talk to them morning and night. I have always been aware of their presence deep within my soul.
Over the years I have been blessed to have many opportunities to train in various fields of spirituality, from pastoral care and theology, prayer & meditation, through to spiritual healing and personal development, expanding my own personal growth and wisdom, all of which I bring into my wellness practice.
I was a child victim of sexual abuse by a catholic priest and consequently one of my passions has been to support other victims, and to promote the 'Keep Children Safe message - Child abuse is Never OK."​
I trained and worked in social work and counselling as well as facilitating educational workshops for parents. I also spent a few years working in the corporate world before eventually returning to the social work, coaching and counselling that I was so passionate about.
I only ever acknowledged my clairvoyance, intuitive and psychic gifts to my Mum, my late husband and our family until after my first ThetaHealing session in 2009.
This completely transformed my world after the first session and I have never looked back. I love this gentle healing modality and feel utterly privileged to have discovered it.
I combine mainstream personal development skills, intuitive spiritual counselling, along side cutting edge neuroscience information through ThetaHealing® to help those of you who long to heal and unleash and own your unique creative gifts, strengths. To guide you to find your own soul's true purpose, your soul contract, and thrive.
From Trust to Fear to Total Invincibility, Back To Fear & the Return to Trust !
As a rebellious 17 year old teenager, I rode on the back of a motorcycle with no helmet and felt the anticipation, the excitement, the speed and the freedom, alongside that nagging fear that would suddenly show itself as a sudden " eek....... but what if something goes terribly wrong "?
I would tighten my grip around my future husband's waste, snuggle closer, he would usually nod, sometimes give my knee a reassuring squeeze or a light tap, and I would once again feel the trust in his skills and ability, although I would frequently also whisper a prayer to the Angels to keep us both safe.
It would never be very long before I would feel myself automatically starting to lean as the bike would start dropping sideways as we approached the next bend, then slowly straighten back up. The motor would roar as the revs increased and we accelerated out of the corner. My long hair would be blown forcefully, backwards, sideways, slapping me in the face, going in my eyes which I'd be forced to close, but that didn't stop the pure pleasure of the excitement.
It was totally exhilarating.
Later I became a wife, and then I was a mother, and something changed.
Responsibility for another life, a new and very vulnerable life that trusted in me completely, when I couldn't even trust myself. This new little life that was dependent on me and his dad to care for, to nurture and protect, triggered a change in me, and the voice of fear became much louder than the voice of trust and eventually I stopped riding on the back of a motorcycle. The invincibility of youth was replaced with the reality of responsibility. I had grown up, or at least I thought I had.
In reality, I hadn't even started to grow up.
There is a myth that when you reach a certain age that you have finished learning, and all you had to do was settle down and live a perfect ' acceptable' life and fit into society. That wasn't how it was for me. I had much more growing up to do, much more learning, and life events would make certain that would happen.
It would take many years before I was once again able to connect to the voice of Trust.
When I did, I was shocked to discover that it was also Me that I needed to learn to Trust.
Me that I needed to learn to believe in.
Me that I needed to accept and to love unconditionally.
Me that I needed to learn to nurture, to respect, to appreciate, to enjoy being alone with.
Much more about that journey is in my published book "Soul Destruction - the Ultimate Betrayal" And it's sequel "Soul Awakening - Defy Betrayal" which is nearing completion now.
I have been on that journey and can now say Yes-I do believe in myself !
I do know how to Trust myself !
I do love and accept myself unconditionally !
I nurture, respect and appreciate myself ! I am comfortable to be alone with myself !
In the words of Marianne Williamson: ​
“Love is what we are born with.
Fear is what we learn.
The spiritual journey is the unlearning of Fear and the
Acceptance of love back in our hearts."
Is there something blocking you from living the life that deep down,
you know your heart and soul are absolutely longing for ?
Why not contact me and Book Your FREE 15 minute chat ?
Text my Mobile - 027 363 8833
or email me - glo@celestialconsulting.net.nz
"If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." ​​
- Dr Wayne Dyer